Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Can infinity expand anymore?

okay, this idea is officially sick. I started it off in elementary school and the mother fucker just graduated with honors. Your idea of the guy ending up as Jesus is awesome but for one historical problem. Jesus simply built Christianity on the already existing Judaism, which would mean that God still exists in the new universe. I'm not sure how to solve that problem, but that twist took me big time by surprise. In short, I loved it. Whether or not it's an impassable snare, I like the enthusiasm.

Now I'm also thinking that perhaps we're relying too heavily on the original manifestation of the idea. I'm talking about the Good God, Bad God thing. I mean, the idea has evolved and changed, or maybe just been fleshed out, in a major way. I think it should have a moral message in some way. The good god bad god angle gets morality into the story and gives us a crisis tied up with a bow, but it's also an easy way out. When I originally conceptualized this idea, I was thinking of building these universes, defining them, making the gods seem real, have the story somehow ABOUT the gods. While that may be a decent idea, the one that you expanded and I re-expanded on is MUCH better. It's a much cleaner, much more realistic, much more filmable movie.

With the large Hadron Collider in Europe we have the perfect setting for the phycisist's lab. The physicist changes the other universe that he accidentally contacts in the black hole. This has an effect on the universe. An adverse effect. Why? Well, it effects the universe at all because of all the reasons you wrote that I'm not smart enough to remember right now. Why is it an adverse effect? Because that universe operates on a different wavelength then ours and the energies of the universes are incompatible. For some reason. I don't know why. The OTHER universe effects our universe for the same reasons. Now this will be much more technical, which is your department. Okay, now this is where things get maybe a little far-fetched. The energies of the alternate universes throw people's moral compass's out of whack. Good is bad, bad is good, etc. maybe only some people it changes? Like I say, this is not well thought out. I'm just trying out some different scenarios.

As far as how the movie ends. I fucking love the disentigration of universes. With infinite universes there is a universe exactly like that ones that are destroyed but that have a tree growing where there was once a bush. Now, we have the physicist in the new universe sees, in the black hole, the destruction of the other universes and alters his plans thus saving his universes and not being destined to repeat the universes destructions for infinity. But, smart viewers will realize that if in one universe he stops the experimentation, in another universe he will simply continue and repeat everything anyway. Also, that seems very "at the end of a movie the character wakes up and it was just a dream". So, maybe the universes shouldn't blow up. But then how do we end the movie in a satisfactory way? Fuck, i can't think about this anymore tonight.


The movie ends when, fuck I don't know. Maybe the universes should just blow up.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Infinity Extra Expanded.

This is exactly the direction I wanted to see for this. Here are some of my thoughts on how to get the story away from religion at the end:

Any time a particle is forced to take a stance, that is it is forced to be something other than just a probability function, then that alters the particle and hence the system has changed and can not be measured the same again.

Now let's say that collectively all the matter and energy in our universe combined has a single wave function of it's own, as does say the combination of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a Helium atom, then one can also say that any measurement on that universe would also force it to take a stance and therefore irreversibly change that universe. The problem is that you would need something outside our universe to make a measurement of our universe.

What if our main character the physicist is working on slamming particles together at the new linear supercollider in Texas (so a few years in the future) and tries colliding two Thorium nuclei together forming an unstable element, #180, that on its own is heavy enough to form a black hole...a very small black hole, but a black hole none the less. A few experiments later and black holes are created in such a way as to warp time and space to another universe. The only problem is the black holes are extremely unstable and disintegrate after a few pico-seconds...just enough for the physicist to send a few short laser pulses through. When he remakes the black holes again he notices that a signal is sent back to him from the other universe as well as the black holes become larger and more stable and a steady stream of light pulses come flowing out. It turns out that in the time it took for him to create new black holes the other universe that he sent the laser into aged by about 100 billion years compared to the one or two months that went by in our universe, and during that time another civilization detected his signal and built an entire space station with futuristic technology to await another signal from the physicist universe.

Upon receiving the signals from the other universe a connection is made and both our universe and there's is suddenly and inextricably changed. Bad things begin to happen. The signal that starts coming through after several years of message exchanges between the two universes are distress signals. Of course at this time the entire Earth is in on what's been discovered but it is again up to our main character to solve how he changed the world...eventually, and I haven't thought out how yet, he discovers he created two evil Gods in the universe. It's about this same time that major disasters start to strike Earth as well and it is found that interaction with the other universe created the same effect in our universe as well.

The physicist solves how to end both Gods in both universes. The problem is that the solution is to end the existence of both. He does. Two new universes roughly the same are instantaneously created through a new big bang. These new universes do not have either good nor bad Gods.

The last scene is a shot of how even without a God of any sort the earth still evolved to roughly its previous state. Then we see our main character again, though this time he is not a physicist he is a carpenter. It is the year 15AD, he looks like Jesus.

Infinity expanded again

The phycisist has stumbled upon a light quark anomaly that leads him to discover alternate universes. He inadvertantely manages to change, from his labratory, the course of events in universe X. He attracts the attention of the Gods. But, I'm thinking that the higher chain of beings should not be Gods. I think we should go for more of a matrix kind of theme where the theme of the story is scientific and moral in nature and not religious. I realize that a strong case can be made for the whole NEO/Christ correlation, but I think we should stray away from the God angle. But here's the thing: would this be a movie that people want to watch? Is it too ethereal, too far a stretch of people's imagination? I was thinking about this, and I don't think it is. Either of you ever heard of the movie "The Fountain"? It's this totally bizarre, time-tripping odyssey that follows two people from ancient times to many, many years in the future. The movie stretches reality, and people's basic trust in the Movies not to betray those realistic boundaries, but it's a good example of big budget studios taking a chance on a very "out there" screenplay.

Anyway, so at this point, let's just stick with calling the higher beings Gods and let's also assume that each universe is assigned a Good God and a Bad God. This yin and yang of morality somehow keeps the universe in check. But this physicist has thrown that out of wack when he somehow makes it so one universe is assigned two evil gods. He must fix the issue. I don't know why and I don't know how, but somehow he is put in charge of fixing this issue. And this could get really "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" hokey here, but I think we should go more for Ender's game or something like that.

Here's the tentative breakdown: first ten minutes: we see a flash of light shoot halfway across the screen and we enter that flash and visit an alternate universe. At the end of that ten minutes, we pull out of the flash and we see that it is a particle of light travelling across a vacuumed space and there is a scientist that has obviously seen what we have just seen. He's amazed

The next half hour is the scientist, his life, his research, his criticism (this is sounding suspiciously like the movie "Contact") and now he is a man possessed with this alternate universe that he saw. Now here's the crutch. They say that every experiment that is being observed is subtly changed. Of course the problem is, how can you do any experiment without observing it. But anyway, when the scientist observes the universe, he changes the universe, subtley. The change is an evil god assigned twice to the universe.

Now, we're at minute number forty. The scientist is reached by the good god and bad god of his own universe. the present the problem to him. He has to solve it. The next forty minutes are his attempts to right his wrong. I have no idea what this will look like. Will he do it from his lab? Will he travel to these other universes? I don't know.

There is a twist. When a new candidate for a new god for a new universe is nominated, he or she is thrown into this scenario. The choice of whether they will be a good or bad god depends on their reaction to this event. Is that a good twist?

L to the T bitches

Conspiracy expansion

I like where this is headed. Right now I'm all about writing a movie that exposes the true ugliness of unchecked power. The government idea and this conspiracy idea both have underlying themes of corruption and power-hungriness.


The CFR's goal is to keep the United States out of war. Their rationale is that when the U.S. is not at war, and the economy is good, and people are employed and spending money, it weakens the U.S. government's power domestically. No wars = No need for our government. This stems from the Libertarian philosophy that the government's only job is to defend us from terrorists and malicious nations. By lessening the government's power at home, they could then buddy up to the next in line, which is the giant corporations that would control all of the big money in both the U.S. and global economies. The CFR identified corporate power to have a much higher growth rate than governmental power, so naturally the CFR chose the corporate route in the long run. They would first however have to steer the U.S. government in a direction of peace. During the Clinton years, the CFR was getting ready to make its move shortly after the gulf war. They had begun talks with all the major corporations that were carrying defense contracts from the U.S. government (Boeing, Lockheed-Martin etc) who were starting to view their weapons contracts as albatrosses. Under Richard Hastings, the CFR proposed a plan that they called "the swap", which would essentially ship the majority of weapons contracts overseas in trade for money and technological resources that participating nations would send back to the U.S. The people who lost their defense contract jobs in America were assured they would either be compensated with a generous retirement package or put to work on the many new exciting domestic projects the U.S. Government and CFR were introducing. These new domestic projects were not actually "new". They were in fact a collection of ideas that dated as far back as the CFR itself, but were always pushed to the back burner thanks to WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cold, and Iraq wars. Now that the U.S. was having its most peaceful time in almost a century, the CFR was looking pretty good in the global world as it was creating jobs for our allies overseas, bringing money and technology sharing to the U.S., and finally getting to those home security and domestic renovation projects that had been sitting around for decades. It was around this time when Hastings hired Stemme to be the director of foreign affairs of the CFR. Hastings needed to dedicate all of his time to getting corporate sponsorship in the U.S. to support the CFR and its policies, so he needed someone with a good background in foreign economics to front the handling of the job outsourcing that had been approved. Stemme and Hastings had little contact with one another for several years, but both were proving to be similarly effective at their respective posts, each garnering billions in financial support both at home and overseas. Things were good for the CFR. The key piece of Hasting's vision for the CFR was the chief item on that list of "backburnered projects" that had been underway, which was developing an alternative fuel source to replace oil. Hastings knew that once the CFR and its corporate allies developed their fool proof alternative fuel, that the last piece would be in position to crown themselves as the new leaders of the free world. This was of course a very lucrative enterprise. They made sure to keep information of this away from the government and away from all of the major motor corporations in America, and instead began building research facilities overseas alongside factories to develop prototypes that would run on this new fuel source. The government had sealed its own demise, by signing the "Free Global Business Act" which gave the CFR the power to do an unlimited amount of business with countries that were on a list of pre-approved Federal trade partners. The CFR knew exactly how to manipulate the language of this bill in order to be able to do massive amounts of materials exporting to remote countries behind the government's back. In addition to this sneaky diplomatic maneuver, the CFR also ran interference at home by giving millions to anti-oil groups to increase awareness of the dangers of oil-based fuels on both our environment and our safety. While the government and its corporate allies in the General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford Corporations sweated it out fighting the noise at home, Hastings and Stemme were silently laughing overseas about how sweet the day will be when they have set their plan into motion.

The alternative fuel was really just the icing on the cake. The CFR had structured its contracts for the "domestic renovation" with very clever language which delegated the U.S. government as the owners of the finished product if and only if they were the "majority grantor of funding" for the projects. At the time of the contract signing the U.S. Government was the majority grantor, but through the CFR's tricky process of moving funds from one place to another, it was the CFR that really became the owners, as the contract did not specify the U.S. Government specifically, but merely "the majority grantor of funding". So the CFR pulled an old trick which was to initially take the government's money, but slip it back into their pocket when they weren't looking. The contracts were again very tricky in that they gave the budgeting and dispersion rights directly to the CFR under the agreement that records would be kept of where the money was spent. They rechanneled the government's money back into public school systems, welfare, and other government programs that were on the list alongside all of the other, much more weighty items, which the CFR privately funded. They were very careful to ensure that not a single penny of the government's money was used on any of what they called "A-List" items. The government's share of the money fr these "A-List" items was made up through a combination of taxes on the defense contracts given to foreign countries (which thanks to Hastings belonged to the CFR) and corporate sponsorship. So as a result, new highways, new ports, new security systems at airports and borders, renovated police stations, fire stations, even a new array of buildings smack in the heart of Washington D.C. would all belong to the CFR and their corporate investors, not the government. Things were going well for the CFR indeed...

but of course, then 9/11 happened...


How far would you go for ultimate power? If you had it what would you do to protect it? This story takes place from two perspectives. The first perspective is from an economist, named Joseph Stemme who just published his first book on the role of globalism in third-world nations and his invitation to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The second perspective comes from Richard Hastings president of the CFR.

As it turns out the CFR, especially the president and chairmen have extensive influence in foreign diplomacy, and hence power. As Joseph is initiated into the CFR and begins to see how things are run at the 58 East 68th St head-courters of the CFR he begins to want the power of the presidency of the CFR.

Watching Joseph grow in popularity and gain influence amongst members of the CFR Richard begins to doubt he made the right choice in choosing him to join. Joseph does not exactly follow the same political beliefs as Richard does and he does not seem to be quite as malleable as he had thought. Forcing Joseph out of the CFR at this point though is not possible because it would arouse too much suspicion as to the actual intention of the CFR, which is complete control of US politics.

Scandals from the Kennedy assassination to the Iraq war would be covered and how the the CFR was involved in each.

A third perspective is occasionally thrown into the series to show the historical growth of the CFR:

The Council was originally formed in 1919, headed by John Davis, at the meetings of the Paris Peace Conference to persuade President Woodrow Willson and Prime Minister Loyd George to sign treaties and delegate land after WWI in such a way as to make the USA and UK far more powerful than before as well as to set the Council up as the most influential political think-tank in the United States. Upon returning to the US John Davis officially formed the Council on Foreign Relations with the help of Elihu Root and his group of international lawyers.

The CFR is capable of turning political nobodies into high ranking members of congress. They are responsible for the election of every single president since Woodrow Wilson, i.e. rallied behind and supported the candidates and used their power to help elect them, or steal the election for them.

The roots of this organization go even further back to the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Templars, and the Priory of Sion--groups that use religious indoctrination and class segregation to maintain their own power over the masses.

Expansion of 'Infinity'

If each universe, of an infinite set of universes, has a set of physical laws that are dictated by and specific to that particular universe then can a God bypass those laws?

In short, no. Though the God, be it a good God or a bad God, can choose the outcome of a particular event that is typically a random, probabilistic event. Example: As all undergraduate physics students learn, light (and matter actually) acts both as a wave and as a particle. This is demonstrated by an experiment called a two slit experiment in which a single photon of light is aimed at a wall with two narrow slits cut in it. Somehow the photon is capable of passing through both the slits at the same time, which causes it to sometimes interfere with itself so that it can not be seen in some places and sometimes amplifying its likelihood of being seen in other places--similar to how waves of water behave when two waves collide, if the crests of two waves come together they get bigger but if a crest and trough come together they cancel out. However, in the end the photon is never found in more than one place leading to the idea that it is a particle.

Where the particle of light lands is determined by probability and the probability is determined by all the possible paths that the photon could have taken. In this experiment there are two slits that the photon could have passed through so the path through each slit must be taken into account for determining the probability for where the particle eventually will be seen, but it is still probability; one can never predict with 100% precision exactly where the photon will be. Except the Gods. They can, in fact, make the decision as to where exactly a particle will land (except they can never pick a spot that the physical laws dictate is impossible, such as where the light cancels itself out). Change enough small events, such as particle placement and interactions, and large catastrophes can happen. An example is God striking you down with lightning for not believing in Him/Her. He/She does this by choosing for the interaction of a high-energy helium nucleus, discharged from the sun, with another atom in the atmosphere causing electrons to be ejected all around, which then leads to bolt of lightning, which is then directed by the God to strike someone down.

How does one become a God? Learn the physical laws of all the universes to such a great extent as to be able to communicate with the higher order Gods (those Gods that place a good God and a bad God in each universe). Then one must convince those Gods that you are worthy of being a God in your own specific universe.

This man turned God can be a physicist that learns how to communicate with other universes and slowly gains insight into how all existence is structured. Alien cultures are learned about; Strange universes with completely bizarre physical laws such that there are creatures that see in the fourth dimension only are found; Finally man becomes God.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Forcing the Hand

I think that this project could be either a film short or the pilot of television show. That is to say that it’s tight enough to stand on its own, but I think far-reaching enough that multiple storylines could be traced out of it. Basically, it’s a story of fish out of water. You take two people and you put them in situations that are unfamiliar to them. But the two people are married and the situations are exactly the opposite of each other.

The husband is a writer who really wants to work in corporate America. He’s been stuck indoors so long that he has this completely glamorized idea of that lifestyle. His lovely wife actually is a suit, an ad-exec for a big marketing firm. She’s sick or waking up at seven am and working her butt off for eight to ten hours a day. There’s our intro; we’ve got two people who are unhappy with their lots in life. This unhappiness necessitates change, but first we have to establish their unhappiness in the audience’s mind.

How do we do this? Well, when she leaves for work, he’s still in bed. She eyes him jealously. After she leaves, he jumps out of bed and goes through the same motions that she just went through, but hurried, like he’s late for something. She gets to her building and immediately closes the door of her office, puts on a robe and some slippers and cuddles up in her desk chair, looking out the window. He is jamming papers into his suitcase and gets on the road. He’s cruising along frantically and then we see a wall of traffic. Far from pitching a fit, he rolls up to it and stops with a big smile on his face, “traffic!” He sees someone in the car next door and tips his coffee mug in the person’s direction. The joke, however, is that he’s not going anywhere, it’s just interesting for him to be a part of this life, if just for those few moments of traffic.

The change comes when her request to get moved to telecommuting goes through, and his application to temp at a big downtown office goes through. Now they both have what they want. He gets to go to an office everyday and she gets to stay home everyday. Trouble bubbles to the surface when they both realize that they hate it. Thus a change in their marriage occurs. He’s at work and he hates it and she’s at home and she hates it. All the rules and regulations bug him and for her it’s the opposite. Their marriage begins to suffer.

All of this is done good-humoredly. I’m thinking that the office politics that he has to get used to will be extremely funny, and the loneliness that she faces at home will also be funny. She buys a fish to keep her company and schedules meetings with pillows to keep herself awake. He grows to hate his boss and she does also. Both of them feel that the boss is riding them too hard. She’s doing practically nothing at home and it’s killing her; he’s doing far more than he’s ever done and it’s killing him.

At the end, his temporary position coming to a close, with a chance to make it permanent, and her telecommunication contract running out, with a chance to renew. Now, the story could take two directions. If it’s a short, he decides to go back to the simple but important life of a writer and she to the complicated but structured life of ad sales. The moral becomes that everyone is made for something, don’t try and force your hand. If a sitcom pilot, they both decide to stay in their current positions and hilarity ensues. I think it’s a good balance between men and women, structure and chaos, and comedy and drama.

Diamonds in the Void

The movie is called Diamonds in the void: This is the voiceover we hear at the beginning of the movie:

“I was told once that a star’s natural combustion process produces an interesting phenomenon. Carbon is drawn into the star, crushed, shaped, infused with new qualities, and finally reborn as a diamond. The raging fires of a star transform an invisible gas into diamonds, way out in the nothingness of space. I’ve always thought that this was a poetic image: diamonds raining in an empty void, unseen, unheard, beautiful.”

The movie’s name is a result of the main character’s decision to keep secret a beautiful truth. The truth (diamonds) remains unknown (raining in the void), hence the title.

The idea is an action that traces the escape of two men from a hotel. As the men escape, they shoot and kill people. When someone dies, we jump to that person’s back story, how they got involved in this particular caper. As people die, the story starts to come into focus and puzzle pieces begin to fit together. The beginning of the story places us directly into the action, as the two men are discovered to be something other than what they said they were. They shoot the man who is supposedly in charge and we trace that man’s story, the events that led him to this particular moment, with these particular men, in this particular hotel. He is not the man in charge.

A man’s sister is the whore of a drug dealer. The sister does not know the man because the sister was adopted before the man was born. The man becomes a tester of drugs for a rival drug dealer so that he may be incorporated into that world. The man wants to save his sister because he has done nothing else in his life. The sister comes on to the man, that is the very first scene in the movie. The man is in the bathroom and the sister, who does not know she is the sister comes in looking for him to fuck him. He turns her down, but then tells her to meet him outside. She leaves to meet him outside. When he walks out of the bathroom, all the shit hits the fan. Now he must get out of the hotel room and outside alive so that he can save his sister who doesn’t know that she is his sister. The guy’s such a junkie that he fiends throughout the movie. The entire movie takes his POV, he’s the main character. But when he shoots someone, or anyone gets killed, we jump to how they ended up in that position.

The movie ends when he is killed and we get his back story and how the whore is his sister. We don’t know she is his sister at first. We don’t know why he is trying to save her.

The man he is doing business with is a cop. The two of them teamed up to go up against the big dealer. The guy ratted out his former dealer friend to the cop in order to get the cop’s trust. But the cop is a real bad guy and the guy ends up killing the cop.

Someone’s a gambler. They met the gambler earlier that night after an all-night binge, the gambler is in way over his head and he is the first one shot. We get his story first. He is a professional gambler who lost in cards and the bet was that he had to accompany them to this meeting.

The drug dealer that they’re working with just got promoted from being a strong-arm, a soldier.

Okay, so the man is trying to save his sister. He’s a drug tester, just the lowest of the low. But he’s turned the tide on the guy he was testing for. He turned that guy into the cops. He was planning on simply turning the drug dealer into the cops, but the sister shows up and screws up his plan. Now he has to act fast, get out in a hurry. But the dealer senses something is up and kills the gambler. The gambler became involved because the guy needed someone else to sit with him because the cop said he wasn’t going to show up. But the cop does end up showing up and the guy ends up killing the cop. The cop ends up being in the pocket of the drug dealer because the cop gets a kickback from the dealers payroll. So from the beginning he was two-timing the guy, Caleb. But what no one knew was that the dealer’s right hand man was two-timing the dealer. So the strong arm knew that the whole thing was a set-up. But his plan was simply to get the money and then kill both the cop and the guy. The dealer wanted them killed immediately, no questions about it. But the strong arm man was planning a coupe against the dealer. He has amassed five guys and they are going to do in the dealer. Now the guy is stuck between a war with the dealer and his right hand man, the bad cop, and he is fiending for a fix something terrible. The right hand man is working to get the dealer’s friends to work against the dealer and he is making calls from the hotel room that they are all in. The sister is waiting downstairs.

How did she screw up the deal?

The movie starts with Caleb about to go out the window of the bathroom and she comes in and says, where are you off to? Don’t you have a drug deal to look after? They chat and she comes on to him very heavily. He keeps turning her down. A beautiful girl, and he’s just a nobody crackhead.

So that’s what it is. He’s there with his boss to test the drugs but his boss didn’t show up because he killed his boss earlier that day because his boss didn’t fit into his plan. So he gets the gambler to play the part of his boss.

So whose story must we kill in order to incorporate the death of his boss? Maybe we don’t have to tell that until the end of the movie, when Caleb is killed. Caleb is killed but exits the hotel, to meet his sister with hundreds of thousands of dollars in a briefcase. She ends up killing him in fury because he has killed her dealer pimp who she thinks she loved. But she has carried with her the ripped in half picture of her parent’s, her real parents and in his wallet, as she is robbing him, she finds the other half of that picture.

What is his plan? He needs to turn the strong-arm against the dealer.

How does the cop fit in? The cop pretends to be working with Caleb, but he’s actually working for the dealer. What does he tell Caleb to make Caleb think he’s working with Caleb? He provides drugs to Caleb, but this is to get Caleb in his pocket. He kills Caleb’s boss. He tells Caleb to take the money that his boss has and make a deal with the other dealer for fifty pounds of heroin. The deal will go down in hotel room X. He tells Caleb that he will bust in and arrest the dealer and his man and they can split the money and it will look great for his career, a major bust. But he tells Caleb that he needs a fall man, someone that will take the hit as the other dealer. This is where the gambler comes in.

Now Caleb thinks that this will solve all his problems. He got involved in the underground trade because of his sister. He saw her at a nightclub one time, asked around found out what she was all about, tried to join that dealer’s club, but got denied so he joined a rival dealer’s entourage, one that occasionally did deals with the dealer that owned his sister. This has all worked out perfectly. But when his sister shows up at the hotel, it all falls apart.

The first problem is that the dealer doesn’t show up. That’s the first sign that things are wrong. The dealer has sent his strong arm man to take the fall. The strong-arm man doesn’t particularly like to be made the fool of and shoots the gambler in a rage. We get the gambler’s story.

Then the strong-arm man starts making calls to various other dealers and hears that the dealer he thinks he just killed, was killed a few days ago. Now the strong-arm knows something is up. He’s about to kill the guy when the cop busts in and tells them they’re all under arrest. He sees the dead gambler and tells Caleb that he’ll have to take the fall. Caleb is outraged. The strong-arm guy realizes that he’s been set up by Caleb, by the cop, and by the dealer he worked for, the one that owns Caleb’s sister. He’s even madder than Caleb. The cop is counting the money and the strong-arm man is handcuffed, as well as Caleb.

The cop is taken out by one of the strong-arm’s men and we get his backstory, how he double-crossed Caleb, how he got involved with the dealer in the first place, Etc, etc.

So they are going to kill Caleb, but the other guy says that the dealer is staying in the hotel, that he has his girl with him. The strong-arm guy and the other guy are going to go kill the dealer and his girl. Of course, his girl is Caleb’s sister. They are going to go ahead and kill Caleb, but he makes a request. He wants to take a hit before they kill him, please, he begs. They think this is very funny and decide to leave him handcuffed, to the baseboard heater, turned on, and leave the drugs just across the room with everything he needs to hit up, needle, belt, spoon, lighter, everything. Caleb watches this stuff in absolute despair. He’s not even thinking about his sister anymore. They two guys leave to go kill the dealer and his girl. Oh, they’ve said that the guy is in room 215.

So they leave and Caleb is stuck, and then another guy comes in, looking for the strong-arm guy. He sees Caleb and Caleb tells him that the cop handcuffed him and took the strong-arm dude upstairs to interrogate him. The guy has no reason not to believe Caleb, uncuffs him and together they go to the room 215. Caleb has to kill him. He wants a hit of heroin so badly he can feel it already, coursing through him. Now he’s alone in a hotel room with hundreds of thousands of dollars and fifty pounds of heroin. This is the best place a drug addict can possibly be. He hears three quick shots and some screaming. His sister is upstairs with the dealer about to get killed by the strong-arm. He has to go save her. But he’s impossibly late. He takes the drugs and the money and hides them in a supply closet.

Now we go to the strong arm and his friend when they go to confront the dealer. Caleb is on his way upstairs, but we go backward in time a little bit. They go upstairs, talking about how pathetic Caleb is. Meanwhile, they are both taking pulls from a flask of Jack Daniels. The dealer is upstairs waiting for the cop. They knock on the door and from inside the dealer says, “Alibari?” The other guy says, James, open up, it’s me, Bryan.” The guy opens the door and both men enter, carrying guns. The dealer is a real skinny, loser kind of guy, paranoid from too much drugs. The girl we get from the two guys point of view. She’s just like Caleb’s sister, but we realize that the dealer has a type. Blonde, thin, full lips, big breasts, strung out. They confront the dealer about the cop and the bust and everything and he admits it and then tells him that the cop had him dead to rights, he had to, he didn’t think anything bad was going to happen. The strong arm says, nothing bad is going to happen, then shoots the dealer, three times and the girl screams.

We get the dealer’s back story. All of this shit comes out as we hear the back stories. None of this shit is clear. I’m writing it clearly just to get the story straight in my own mind. But this is all clouded in mystery.

Instead of the cop at the beginning of the story, it’s a pastor, and he busts into the room to kill Caleb and the strong-arm guy and he says, “I’m sorry” before he pulls the trigger. He hits the strong-arm guy in the shoulder and it all scares the pastor so much that he freezes in shock at what he’s done. Caleb knows him. The strong-arm manages to pull out a gun in time and caps him the forehead. We get his backstory. He’s doing all this to get more patronage in his church. He’s a priest. He gets in the confessional and is promised that his church will double in size if he does this. Why is it important that he do it and not just some crackhead? The priest tries to get other people to do it, including Caleb. Of course if Caleb knew he was trying to hire him to bust up his own drug deal, that’d be a different story.

The cop needs Caleb taken out of the equation because Caleb is a crackhead who is simply a liability. He knows too much and anyone in the cop’s position doesn’t want his secrets in the hands of someone like Caleb. He could simply kill Caleb, but Caleb knows things about his other boss’s deals, where he keeps his money, codes to his safes, bank account numbers, and the cop figures out a way to get all of this in one place and effectively take out Caleb and the strong-arm guy.

He needs the strong-arm guy out of the way because the strong-arm guy is strong-willed and the dealer has devolved into drug-induced paranoia. The strong-arm feels that the cop is getting too big a cut of everything and he’s going to cut the cop out.

Caleb knows bank account numbers. The cop has his sister and is going to kill her unless caleb gives up the numbers. Caleb threatens suicide, gun in his mouth, let his sister go. The cop does. Caleb has given her a book, at the beginning of the movie. The book has page numbers circled: the bank account. She can withdrawal the money as it is under her real name, as his sister. She has her birth certificate. Before he dies he says, “Don’t forget to read that book Tracy Carson.”

His backstory: he kills his other dealer and he circles page numbers in the book to coincide with the bank account info and he puts the account under his name, Caleb Carson and under his sister’s name, Tracy Carson.

Why the priest? And not a crackhead? Because the cop has some beef with the priest. The priest owes the cop a ton of money and the cop offers to wipe the slate clean. Plus he doesn’t like the priest, or at least he doesn’t care about the priest and wants to see him suffer.

How does the cop die? The girl kills the cop. The girl shoots the cop and it goes through him and into Caleb. The cop dies immediately and we get his back story. The girl rushes over to Caleb and he blah blah blah and dies, “the book, Tracy” blah blah and we get his back story, and she’s his sister. She helps him shoot up one last time and he dies.

The movie ends with the sister collecting the money. But she never finds out that Caleb was her brother. This is the diamond in the void. She’s experienced so much loss in her life that Caleb spares her the pain of losing another loved one.

But Caleb sees this as an opportunity to save his sister. When he gets to the hotel room and he sees that the dealer has sent only strong-arm he’s going to leave. But then his sister comes in. Caleb makes a couple quick decisions and gives her a pocket bible after she hits on him. Then he goes back out into the room and tells her to wait for him outside.


into gods in charge of our own universes. Each universe is assigned one good god and one bad god, essentially God and Satan. Except, a rift has occurred. All of the universes are threatened because one universe was assigned two bad gods. The entire planet is overwhelmed with evil it begins spreading. Only one man can stop it. He lives on one of the many universes, infinite universes. He must become a god in order to save the fate of the universes. He will eventually become a god, he just has to do it sooner than everyone expected. Why him? Maybe he’s a baggage handler. I don’t know why. The universes are governed by laws beyond even god’s control. He was picked seemingly at random, but it must be for a reason. The reason? It couldn’t have been anyone but him. Life is a series of moments leading to moments, leading to moments. God can guide the moments, but he by no means creates them. Life is an ebb and flow of energy and god is basically the supervisor on the job, making sure nothing gets too out of control. The bad god is on the other side trying to ensure that things do get out of control.

The Immaculate Ape

An ape child is born immaculately. That is to say that his mother, who is in a cage with seven other males, has not had sexual intercourse with any of them. This takes a while to prove and is proved only when they thoroughly check that every male in the cage has had a vasectomy. So, the ape child is born of a virgin mother. For a while, things seem somewhat normal. And then he begins escaping from his cage and no one has any idea how. They have cameras, but the cameras short out, just as he approaches the door. He visits other animals, even dangerous ones, and they leave him alone. The zookeepers see him, at one point, skittering across a lake full of alligators. They're sure he must be stepping on the heads of the alligators (because surely he couldn't walk on water!) but they realize that the ape IS walking on water. So basically, the ape has many of Christ's attributes and it proves that evolution is real, it proves all sorts of things that I don't have time to write right now. But I'll get back to this.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Holy Mother of God!

Here's a new idea I was just thinking about:

The mother of God (played by some curmudgeonly old lady): She lives in a pretty run down little trailer home in north eastern Califonia. She grows weed. She has a cat and a three legged dog simply named Kitums and Pooch. When not at home she is at the local coffee shop or bar to talk about how messed up her son is, but no one believes her they all just think she is crazy.

One day God (played by someone like Jason Lee or David Cross) shows up to steal some of his mom's weed but gets caught and pretends he was there to surprise his mom for dinner. At dinner He asks about who his dad is. That question gets his mom all upset but eventually she tells him that she's not quite sure who his dad is but she has some old photos of who he might be and she decides to help him find God's dad (who will be played by someone like the Dude, Jeff Bridges). God decides to stay in California for a while to search for his dad with his mom.

Within the first few episodes God's dad is found and, as would be expected based on the character of God, his dad is a dead beat as well. Though strangely neither of God's parents have the same magical abilities as God himself except that they live forever and have been around for all eternity, but that doesn't really matter because God is so lethargic, apathetic, and kind of stupid that he never uses his powers wisely or at all.

The show is narrated by God's mother.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

gov't: act I synopsis

Our President's name is Jonathan Whitmore, the New York Senator is Sam Drysdale. Act I opens immediately following an emergency national broadcast in which President Whitmore has addressed the people of America. The nature of the address is not immediately clear, but from the looks of the frenetic press conference being held at the White House it is certain that the situation is grave. Standing behind a bullet-proof glass and surrounded by numerous secret servicemen, the tragedy is subtly revealed: Vice President Charles Dixon has been assassinated and the President is declaring the event as an attack on America and its government by an extremist group from Iran. He assures the American people that while his prayers and deepest sympathies lie with the family of his departed vice president, that even in this most trying moment of American tragedy he cannot miss a beat. He must show resolve and retain his focus on the struggle with Iran that had been escalating in the weeks leading up to the assassination. The president ends his delivery to the press by declaring the end of peace talks with the Iranian government, and accuses Iran of intentionally drawing resources away from their internal counter-terrorist intelligence agencies so the group could train, fund, and protect themselves within Iran's borders. The president fields questions. Many of which he avoids and declines having any knowledge on. However one member of the press asks him of his thoughts on the increasingly out-spoken criticism coming from Senator Sam Drysdale of New York through the media. This is the only question that seems to get a rise out of the president. He assures the reporter that Drysdale is a "treasonist in the making" and that officials are working to "clean house" of both Drysdale and those in congress and the military that have spoken up in support of his "radical" ideas. The President accuses Drysdale of trying to divide this country in a time period when it is of the utmost importance that America show that it is at its most unified and ready to put an end to extremist groups that have been terrorizing our nation since (what President Whitmore refers to as) "the day myself and all Americans remember." The President steps down from the podium to a sea of unsatisfied members of the press, looking for more commentary on the late Vice President, and strangely, on Drysdale.

The president returns to the oval office, met by his cabinet. A television is awaiting him and without saying a word his chief of staff turns on the television. All remain standing. The television illuminates with the image of Drysdale (who is spending the week in New York) who has gathered a press conference of his own. He is calm and reserved, but his eyes show a fire and grief over the vice president's death that were not present in President Whitmore's. Drysdale immediately dismisses the idea that the president was aware of the assassination beforehand, and again defends the president against an accusatory question that the vice president being murdered by an Iranian terrorist group bolsters his case for war. But he admits that through a combination of his office's intelligence connections with New York City, his loyalists in the military, the constituents in Albany, and the intelligence uncovered by his self-established and privately funded intelligence agency (Faction for a Safer World, or FSW) he had obtained proof that the group responsible for this tragedy was not in fact from Iran, but from Iraq. It was in fact a reincarnate of a terrorist group the US Government had tried to eradicate in Iraq six months prior, when they demanded (with violence) that the United States pull out of Iraq and allow the Muslim world to heal from the wounds inflicted on it by the US invasion. Leading officials from this group escaped the army's advance on their camp based outside of Tikrit and snuck into Iran where in a short six months staged the assassination, which had been planned for two years in Iraq before they made themselves public. These leaders however, were not forced into Iran. It was their plan from the beginning to stage a terrorist campaign from Iran because it would surely be the powder keg that brought the US to war in Iran, something that fit into a greater goal of these terrorists, which remains unknown. Drysdale continues by adding that this intelligence was passed to the White House two months ago, but because of the President's frustrating and futile campaign in Iran, alongside his growing distrust of Drysdale and especially the FSW, it was overlooked. However, Drysdale then amplifies the situation by admitting that he had predicted this oversight by the White House. Almost apologetically, he admits to the public that after the intelligence was passed to Washington he did not stand idle but instead he secretly began work on what he called "Plan B". His plan was to be enacted if and only if exactly this kind of a tragedy was carried out. Using his connections with top officials in the military, he had gone behind the president's back to put into place an unprecendented three week exit from Iraq. His two-pronged approach would bring 90% of the troops home while the rest would enter Iran in search of this fundamentalist group and eliminate them. A symbolic similarity arises in Drysdale's press conference when members of the press ask Drysdale about Whitmore's claims that Drysdale is a treasonist. He responds by assuring the press that he, unlike the president, has been among the real people of America and Iraq and has spent his time shaking hands with the commanders and troops in Iraq, and that if the press and the public want to know the truth about Sam Drysdale, to ask those people.

Humiliated and angered by Drysdale's television appearance, Whitmore orders his advisors to call the order to descend on New York and arrest Drysdale for treason, a conspiracy to act against the Presidential authority and endangering the American people by disobeying a mandated senatorial gag-order on speaking publicly with information regarding specifics on policy in Iraq and Iran. His advisors inform him however that it is too late. Moments into Drysdale's appearance, the White House received faxes from the head of the National Guard, the FBI, the CIA, and chief congressmen that two days prior, congress passed a secret vote to move for an unpublicized impeachment of President Whitmore. The impeachment proceedings came because of the growing fear in the American public and in Congress that Whitmore had lost his handle on the Iran talks, and had been alienating himself from both the public and his constituents by his extremist stances on a plethora of other issues that had arisen in the second term of his Presidency. The impeachment vote was originally to be public and brought to the attention of the President, but Drysdale begged congress that a highly publicized impeachment vote would impede on any last vestige of progress in the President's talks with Iran. He instead proposed a secret congressional hearing of top officials and a subsequent "secret vote" in congress, and if either the peace talks failed, or, the terrorists managed to get to us as the FSW's intelligence had suggested two months prior, that then and only then would they present the results of that vote to the President, and enact his Plan B, which he meticulously outlined to them. Impressed by Drysdale's "Plan B", even Whitmore's most dedicated followers agreed and the vote for impeachment was tallied in favor. The assassination of the vice president was the last straw, and congress decided to let Whitmore in on their decision.

Whitmore was finished. An entire government he thought he had led had conspired against him in one of the most unprecedented coups of the modern world. Saving him the ultimate public embarassment, Drysdale had let Whitmore deliver his presidential address and press conference, and then had him brought to a closed-door congressional hearing with the top White House officials. Whitmore waits in anger and frustration as Drysdale's armored convoy arrives from New York. At this meeting, Drysdale does his best to be diplomatic with Whitmore. Assuring him that in his opinion he did the best job a man of his principles could, and that he had led the American people as far as his abilities could take them. Whitmore is furious, feeling as if he (and probably was) the last to know about his own political demise. He does not dignify Drysdale's diplomacy with any answers. He merely sits and stews in his anger and confusion. Drysdale suggests that there is not much time for debate, as the tragedy that had just befallen America along with Whitmore's virtual decree that he will be invading Iran were sure to be sending the American people into a frenzy. What Drysdale says next shocks Whitmore. He tells Whitmore that while he feels that the President ultimately failed America, that he himself would as well. He reminds Whitmore that the country was founded on the government's ability to check and balance itself and that he was so self-aware of his own potential to be corrupted by power that he needs Whitmore to be his check and balance. He suggests that in the wake of the upcoming political troubles that are bound to fall on America that for the first time in our almost 300 year history, congress should have two men serving as president. Whitmore speaks for the first time, calling the idea ridiculous. "That's why I had Charles. That is why Bush had Cheney, and Clinton had Gore." he says. But Drysdale maintains that it is not the same. He asks Whitmore to imagine two men qualified to be president but with the ability to check one another at the presidential level. Drysdale reveals that he considers him to be a political equal to himself, but with a drastically different point of view, and that it is out of this respect that would make this system work. They would learn to understand each other's policies in the same way a President hopes to understand the policy of a leader of a foreign nation. He also warns Whitmore that he too must learn to show this respect back to him, or it would not work. Drysdale then tells him that he is offering him a second chance as President (co-President rather) and that it was the opinion of both American public and the other leaders of America that he should not even be given this chance. He assures Whitmore that he does this out of a respect that he had garnered for him during his first four years in office, before he believed him to have become a victim of politics that needed the guidance of someone like himself. Whitmore rebukes by saying that Drysdale merely needs his help to win the public on this new unorthodox political approach. That Drysdale needed Whitmore's established political career to convince the American public that it is in their best interest to put two Presidents into the office, one of which had not even been voted in by them (a protocol that this country was founded on). Drysdale reluctantly admits some truth to his argument, but reminds Whitmore that the people wanted change anyway, and that they would be glad to elect Drysdale to office legitimately in two years when Whitmore's term is up. Polls showed that Drysdale had garnered an extraordinary appreciation and respect of the entire country with his founding of the FSW and the unrelenting protection of his home state of New York. "There would be many people who would love for me to employ the same dedication to the nation as a whole as I have to New York. Something they don't want or need two years from now, but now... right now" he says. Drysdale stands by his argument that he needs Whitmore's help to lead this nation through this tragedy and that together they could achieve what every good politician hopes to achieve, which is to serve the best interests of the people. Whitmore, still unconvinced, asks about his fate should he decline. Drysdale reminds him of the vote for impeachment, a process which would meaninglessly be redone publicly as a formality when the time was right. He continues that Whitmore would suffer the embarrassment of being publicly ousted from office and forever be viewed in the public's eyes as the President that let the Vice President die on his watch. Whitmore angrily rebukes Drysdale's suggestion, defending both himself and his friendship with the late Charles Dixon. Drysdale can only shake his head and remind Whitmore that the absolute truth and the truth that is found in the court of public opinion are sometimes not the same thing. Whitmore knows he is right. Realizing that he has no other choice he finally agrees. They begin to work on on dealing with the newly created issue that Whitmore had all but declared war on Iran.


The president's executive power grows too much and several parties begin to get upset. Military supports the democratic Senate Majority Leader from New York to help relinquish some of the president's power. As more military power is given to the senator people begin to suspect that the president's own authority is fading and that he should be ruled ineffectual and be impeached. Quickly the president responds by using the executive power he has amassed and bombs Iran with the cooperative factions of the military. The lead senator retaliates with a quick military withdrawal from Iraq and threat to the president that if he attacks Iran any further the people and military of the United States will no longer support him and he will be overthrown.
Or something along those lines...